Good morning and welcome this move Material Shipping shared understanding of Salinity Distribution In Horizontal. Continue what is the Salinity Distribution In Horizontal? So, Salinity Distribution In Horizontal is more toward high latitudes it would add too high salinity. For that area there around Equator (tropical sea) is lower than the salinity of the sea salinity subtropical. We need to know that the area has the highest salinity are located in areas that have a latitude of 30 ° N and 30 ° S.
In waters that exist in Indonesia, which includes the tropical climate that salinity will increase from west to east in the range of 30-35 o / oo. And ocean water has a salinity of more than 34 o / oo contained in the Banda Sea and the Sea Arafuru originating from the Pacific Ocean (Wyrtki, 1961)
Other factors that also may affect the horizontal salinity distribution of wind and topography. It is known that precipitation in the tropics is higher when compared to other regions resulting in dilution of sea water which can cause low salinity in the tropics.
System resembled monsoons in Indonesia so greatly affect the distribution of salinity either vertical or horizontal. Horizontally resembled monsoons affect the flow to move and flow will carry water masses. With this resembled monsoons can occur and the summer rainy season. This season changes cause annual variations in salinity waters, such as the example of water mass circulation changes that have high salinity with low salinity water masses. While the topography will affect the salinity of the waters of an area or region due to the presence or absence of fresh water runoff from the river to the estuary. Resulting runoff or runoff occurs agitation that will have an impact on dilution.
Salinity is a level of salinity (salt content) were dissolved in water. The salt content is mostly found in lakes, rivers and natural waterways passage and categorized as freshwater. The salt content in the water is less than 0.05% if more than 0.05%, the water is classified as brackish or saline water if the concentration of 3 to 5%. And more than that (5%) is called Brine.
Natural sea water is saline water has a salt content ranging from 3.5%. Some salt lakes in the mainland and several oceans have a higher salt content of sea water in general. For example lakes on land and sea salt has a higher salt content is, the Dead Sea has a salt content of about 30%. For technical term for ocean salinity is salinity, on the basis that the halides, especially chloride is the most widely anions of elements dissolved. In the course of oceanographic salinity not expressed in percent but in "parts per thousand" (parts per thousand, ppt) or per mil (‰).
- Evaporation occurs, said evaporation because if the greater the degree of evaporation of sea water in an area that will have a high salinity and vice versa if an area has a low water evaporation, the salinity level is low, it can be said that the area of low salt content.
- Rainfall, the greater the rainfall in a region or marine region, the salinity of the sea water will be low and vice versa smaller rainfall then be high salinity.
- The distribution of salinity in the ocean can be influenced from many kinds of factors: water circulation patterns, rainfall, river flow and evaporation.
That's it for this post about SALINE DISTRIBUTION IN HORIZONTAL hopefully can give us new or additional knowledge in order to know what actually the horizontal salinity distribution. Thank you hopefully useful
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