In times when we often see a good place to experience the pollution of air pollution, water and so on. By looking at the condition and this situation then I lifted article TYPES OF POLLUTION to address pollution problems is the case lately. Before we go to the forms of pollution we know first what it is pollution.
Pollution is the introduction of any income or pollutants such as chemicals, garbage, haba, light and energy into the surrounding environment that can result in an unfavorable impression so would endanger human health that exist around, threatening natural resources and natural ecosystems.
Forms of Pollution
Some forms of pollution that threatens our planet, among others:
- Air pollution is a form of harmful chemicals released into the atmosphere. Examples of chemical pollutants include carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, nitrogen dioxide released by vehicles and refinery industry.
- Water pollution can occur in the form of leakage and disposal of chemicals into the water source or the phenomenon of eutrophication so easily contaminated.
- Soil pollution is harmful chemicals impregnation example, heavy metals, hydrocarbons and insecticide into the soil.
- Radioactive pollution is the release of a radioactive material into the surrounding natural.
- Noise pollution can be caused by aircraft noise and industrial plants.
- Light pollution can be caused by radiation (illumination) excessive
- Terms of pollution is the temperature change due to human activities.
- Visual pollution is a natural culling penghakisan physical and natural beauty.
- Pollution factor so original, such as natural disasters.
- Pollution human factors, this occurs because they lack a lot of human attention to pollution and lack of attitude of responsibility towards a region or country.
Having explained what the above understanding of pollution now we have to know what the AIR POLLUTION ? Air pollution is the presence of gas contained in the air resulting in a change in the other ingredients. These materials so in the air that can give a negative impression to humans, plants and animals. This is due to these materials will enter the human body through the respiratory and seeks insulate flow of oxygen into the blood stripe-stripe. Causing various diseases such as asthma, convulsions and anemia, fog, smoke and other things that can hinder eyesight
Classification of Air Pollution
Air pollution is divided into two parts among other things:
- Primary Air Pollution
- Peak primary air pollution is income sulfur monoxide and carbon monoxide than the result of incomplete combustion processes. Most primary air pollution is released through ekzos vehicles, industry and the use of charcoal or wood.
- Secondary Air Pollution
- Secondary air pollution is sulfur dioxide reprisal united then forming gases that are not needed by living things.
Sulfur dioxide is a gas such as carbon monoxide require and sulfur monoxide (primary contamination) in the formation of other gases. For example, when sulfur dioxide, sulfur monoxide and water wap combined, produce sulfuric acid. Reprisals between the primary pollutant gases to the atmosphere will produce peroxide acetyl nitrate (PAN).
Types of Materials Pollution
As for the types of pollutants are as follows:
- sulfur dioxide
- carbon monoxide
- Nitrogen dioxide and ozone
- allergens
- Of lead and other metals
Causes of Air Pollution
The cause of air pollution include:
- Release of smoke vehicles
- Industrial process - material income refinery pollution by asbestos / cymene / battery kereata
- Combustion in a pelupusan - open burning in the city
- Burning forests
- Habuk release - burning wood waste / rice husk
- Bandaran residual materials - garbage-garbage, leftovers
- Community Activity - burning trash, cooking with charcoal / wood, smoke
Is the result of the disposal of waste at a particular place unwanted environment because it has no economic value. Waste contains many toxic pollutants. Waste better known as B3 waste (toxic and hazardous materials). This material may be considered as a material having a relatively small amount but potentially pollute / damage the living environment and resources.
Toxic substances in the waste that we often encounter in everyday life is good as household and industrial purposes are stored, processed, traded, and others as well as chemicals anatara judgments insecticides, solvents, liquid or powder detergents, dyes , and others. These materials consist of organic and inorganic chemicals. Waste as alarming, particularly those coming from industrial plants toxic and hazardous materials.
Some hazardous criteria include:
- flammable
- explosive
- corrosive
- Oxidizing and reducing agent
- Irritation is not radioactive
- Mutageni
- pathogenic
In a certain amount with a certain level, the waste can be harmful to human health can be deadly, so it needs to set the limits allowed in the environment at any given time. Limits on the levels and the amount of toxic and hazardous materials at a certain time space known as the threshold value.
Threshold value is the amount that can be tolerated by the environment so as not to harm the environment or user. Therefore, each type of toxic and hazardous substances have been set threshold value. The level of toxicity caused by waste depending on the type and characteristics in both the short and long term. In a relatively short period of no significant impact, but in the long run quite fatal to the environment.
Type Industrial Waste
Waste based on its economic value specified into
1.limbah that have economic value, and
2.limbah non economical.
Waste that has economic value is waste that will provide added value. For example: sugar factory waste, bagasse can be used as raw material for paper mills, because bagasse through sulfinasi process can produce pulp slurry
Non-economic waste is waste that is processed in the process of any kind will not provide added value. This type of waste is often a problem of pollution and damage the environment.
In accordance with its waste is classified into 3 parts:
- liquid waste
Liquid waste sourced from factories which typically use a lot of water in the system process
- Waste gas / fumes
Waste gas / smoke is waste that utilizes air as a medium. Factory out of gas, smoke, particles, dust through the air, the wind helped give fairly wide range of pollution.
- Solid waste.
Solid waste is waste in accordance with the nature of the solid object is a side result of production process
Waste Gases and Particles
Air is the medium for waste gas pollutant. Waste gases or fumes produced by the plant out in conjunction with natural udara.Secara air contains chemicals such as O2, N2, NO2, CO2, H2 and others. The addition of gas into the air beyond a natural ingredient due to human activity will degrade air quality.
Airborne contaminants are classified into two parts:
- particle
Is a fine-grained particles that are still visible to the naked eye such as water vapor, dust, smoke, fog while.
- gas
asked gaseous pollution can be perceived through smell (for certain gases), or a direct result. These gases include SO2, NOx, CO, CO2, hydrocarbons and others.
Nothing further discussion on this article TYPES OF POLLUTION and hopefully give us new lessons created to increase the knowledge about the world of shipping. Thanks Hopefully Helpful.
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